Sunday, June 22, 2008

A day without my hubby

Well....EVERY DAY is a day without my hubby, but today was Sunday. I'm use to having him around on the weekends and I feel a little cheated when he has something to do. But since I'm trying to have a good attitude (see previous post) I decided to make the best of it and try not to give him a hard time about needing to leave.

First, please know that we do have bad days, really bad days, in fact most days are filled with meltdowns, bloody noses and tears. Did I mention meltdowns? But as I said in my very 1st post, I'm only going to write the good things about my family and today was filled with good things....

We started by going to church... just the boys and me. We were on time and actually a little early. They both went to their Sunday School classes happily and without incident. And even though I'm not crazy about sitting by myself, I ended up being surrounded by people I knew so I didn't feel too pathetic. The music was especially uplifting and I spent half the service fighting tears of appreciation for everything I have. The sermon was awesome, as usual, and I left feeling inspired and ready face my busy week.

I promised the boys we'd go to our favorite "fancy" breakfast restaurant after church, so that was our next stop. The wait was long, but they sat quietly and waited for over 30 minutes. Since there were no available seats to wait in, they found two empty magazine holders (that actually looked like children's chairs) and sat in them. They thought they were so smart for figuring that out. Once we finally sat at our table, they sipped their $3 chocolate milks (served in a fancy glass with LOTS of whipped cream and a straw) and ate all of their breakfast. We had interesting and educational conversation and the word "poop" was not used once throughout the entire meal. This is a huge accomplishment. At one point, a man from the table next to us turned to me and said how well behaved they were. That comment from a stranger has made me decide that I need to start telling people (especially moms) the same thing when I notice their children behaving well. As moms we don't get much encouragement or appreciation, so it's up to us to support each other. Anyway, breakfast....was a success!

Next, we had to go back to church to drop of some decorations for VBS. As I figured, I ended up staying to help for several hours. The boys, again, were really good and helpful. They're even more excited about going to VBS now since they've seen a little preview of what to expect. By this time my hubby was home and rather than tackle the mess in my house, I asked him if he would mind if I went back to church alone to see if they needed anything else (sadly, that is what I like to do for fun). He was fine with it so I went back and ended up meeting some great people. It's amazing what a little uninterrupted, adult conversation can do for a person whose main vocabulary consists of phrases like..."because I said so"; "please don't pee on your brother"; and "Sweetheart, your underwear are on backwards again"!!!

In today's sermon, the Pastor talked about a man who said "I've been going to church for 20 years and I've heard thousands of sermons...but I can't remember what any of them have been about. It's all been a big waste of time." Another man responded "I've been married for 20 years, and in those years my wife has prepared thousands of meals for me. I don't remember much about those meals...but, they've nourished me every day of my life." I'm sure you can see where he was going with this...

This day, reminded me of the sermon. After all is said and done, this wasn't a day that I'll remember for a long time. We didn't really do anything out of the ordinary or special or life changing. It was just another day...another great day.

1 comment:

Bayou Belle said...

Love your writing. You are funny!