Thursday, June 19, 2008

Why we sail.

I do not have a bad attitude...I do not have a bad attitude. OK, apparently I have a bad attitude. My husband tells me all the time, but now my friends are telling me too! So, I complain when I have to exercise...doesn't everyone? Apparently not. As I'm working out with Amy, she's begging the teacher (who happens to be my sister) for more and smiling and talking and looking like she just loves the pain. And me? I just want to know when the next water break is going to be and praying my shoes come untied so I can stop for a minute.

So...I'm refocusing. I'm ready to be positive. I am woman. I have a good attitude...I have a good..................Oops, dozed off for a second there. I have a good attitude.

OK. Here we go.
Sometimes when I tell people we have a boat they'll say "you mean your husband has a boat". But the truth is I love it too! My husband and I fell in love on his sailboat. Since falling in love means getting married, buying a house, having kids and less money in general, we sold the sailboat. We've since tried other recreational vehicles (4-wheelers, jet ski's, powerboats...and when I say "we" I mean "he") but, they just weren't my thing. We have often talked about getting another sailboat and after years of saving, we finally did it. It is everything I remembered and more! Although, it is a totally different experience with the kids, it's still wonderful. I'm not sure which is better...enjoying it with friends (see My Bayou Vieux's blog), or just the spur of the moment family trips.

Last night was one of the last minute family trips. I heard that the moon was supposed to beautiful, so we decided to go out, watch the sunset and check out the moon. My husband picked up some steaks, I grabbed the boys' swimsuits and we were off. After a short ride and one 3-year-old meltdown we anchored at the beach for a swim. I'm going to bore you with details now, so feel free to skip to the next paragraph. The water was calm except for the unusual amount of fish jumping out of the water. The beach was almost private, a welcome change from the weekends, where the abundance of teenagers and obscene music is pretty much intolerable. I even convinced my husband to play the instrumental guitar CD we have. I have to mention it was the CD we listened to at our wedding rehearsal. Every time I hear it I can picture his grandparents dancing in our backyard while wedding construction was happening all around them. And as I sat on the boat eating the steak my husband just made me, I watched my kids and their daddy playing in sand and water and realized that this is what I want them to remember about their childhood.

So, I am making a promise to myself right here...right now. Every time I even think about exercising....we are going for a boat ride instead. It's simply just the right thing to do for my family. After all, what's more important? The few extra pounds I've put on, or a lifetime of memories for my children?

1 comment:

Bayou Belle said...

Not only are your children different, but so are you and your sister. If that isn't the craziest, it is certainly the sweetest excuse for NOT exercising I've ever heard!

How you feeling since our FUN workout?