Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Could my kids be any more different?

As I'm sitting here checking my email, my kids are inside their tent trying to work out the details of an imaginary game. The older one wants to play "baby and mommy". The younger one wants to play "golf player Power Ranger with a shootin' gun". Keep in mind, he has never seen a Power Ranger show, he has a few of the action figures and just assumes that they play golf and shoot guns. Somehow, their game seems to be working out. The "mommy" is a Power Ranger, and they are taking about going to work to get a snack (probably because I haven't fed them breakfast yet). Now their conversation has turned to Buzz Lightyear. I think he's the waiter (or "the man" as they call) it in their imaginary restaurant. Ty is telling Buzz "I'm going to count to four and you better give me it" (just in case you're wondering...the tone is not very nice). I really hate hearing my words come back to haunt me! I'm now being interupted by Ty, who needs to "check his PBSkids.org".
This would be a good time to make breakfast!

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